About Us

Freelance Life Hacks began as an idea to help people free themselves from rigid schedules, cubicles, desks, terrible bosses, TPS reports, excessive mandatory meetings, seemingly random (and super awkward) office dance parties, capped salaries, and all the other glorious things that happen to your life while someone else is calling the shots.

FreelanceLifeHacks.com was created to help people find the better side of working such as flexible schedules, choice of workspace, no bosses, productive meetings/no more meetings, automated reports, less emails, more doing, and unlimited earning potential.

But, the thing is, freelancing can be scary. As far as traditional societal standards are concerned, leaving your job for the unknown currently falls into the “has this person lost their sanity?” column. If you shift your thinking away from tradition, you’ll find that it’s actually scarier to let someone else dictate your paycheck and, subsequently, your life.

Lara Cattlin | Founder, Freelancer & CEO

Since starting work at the age of 14, Lara Cattlin has had 43 jobs in 20 years, and that’s not even counting her freelance gigs. Her “real” jobs, which average out to a rough cadence of two a year, ended in her leaving quickly after starting–because life’s too short. After all that, she decided that traditional jobs weren’t her thing.

Copywriter, digital content strategist, cat person, British, proud ex-employee of 43 jobs, and a 10+ year freelancer. You can find out more about here.

Podcast interviews with Lara Cattlin:

Freelance Finance with Colin Loretz, founder of How You Spend Your Days

Freelancers and Entrepreneurs Freelance Copywriting and Recovering from Mistakes with Paul Urwin, founder of Freelancers & Entrepreneurs.com

Minkle Cat | Co-freelancer & part-time celebrity

We call her a Mini Mainecoon because we were told that she was a Maine Coon but is actually much, much smaller than a regular housecat). Minkle Cat is a total party animal; she’s running for president of the United States, kind of a badass, and loves freelancing.

Need a pro freelancer who also happens to be friends with Minkle Cat? We happen to have a secret community of those.